Name: Fagamagalagalus (Fagamagalagali for plural)
Nickname: Fag
Age: 2 years old (born in 2003)
Height: 1.5 feet
Weight: 10lbs
Description: Looks kind of like a retarded duck. See picture above.
Backround: The Fagamagalagalus is the result of an extreme burst of evolution from the Duck. It's wings shrinked,
but its muscular growth as a result of the evolution provided it with the strength to fly, despite its small wings.
The Fag's feet became much bigger than before, providing it with means for extrordinary self-defense. Its beak became
more broad, but rather than being rounded like the normal duck, its beak became pointed which makes it a great weapon for
defending itself.
In addition to all these things the Fag gained from evolving, it also gained great intelligence and problem solving logic.
Overall the Fag has become a smart, lethal killing animal, and as such it deserves respect from all it is around.
Misc. Info.: Since the initial evolution of the Fags, The Fag species has branched off into three seperate genuses.
The first is the Flamagalus. This is a much taller and more sleak bird. It is faster, more powerful, but lacks
the ability to fly. The second one is the Famagalus. This race is virtually the same as the Flamagalus, but differs
in the fact that this race is the only race that has females; the Flamagali and Fagamagalagali are made up soley of males
while the Famagali are soley females. The Fags and the Flams depend on the Fams to reproduce. And then the last
race is of course the Fags themself.
Peck: The Fag pecks its enemy with its razor sharp beak.
Kick: With the tremendous strength the Fag possesses , the Fag kicks its enemy.
Honk: The Fag lets out a loud "Honk!" that nearly deafens its enemy
Not much else is known now about the Fag. They are very territorial and thus researchers cannot get very close
to them to study their habits and lifestyle. Most of which that is known about the Fag has been discovered Dr. C. Cooper,
a wildlife scientist. But research is still underway to try to learn more about this evolutionary Fag.