Name: Anubus
Age: 18
Height: 6' 2
200 pounds
Image: He has green eyes, and long dark brown hair.
He wears a hooded brown robe when not fighting. Underneath that he has a green tunic (midevil age looking, big, goes down
to where his fingers reach on his thighs), and white pants. He also carries a staff 6 feet tall that transforms into a double-headed
spear during battle.
History: Anubus lived happily amoung his village, not knowing that when he slept, his parents,
and many other adults in his village, were trying to seek out and kill Tyfoon, and the other two or three superpowers of the
universe. When Anubus was five, Tyfoon located his village and showed no mercy on all the people who sought to kill Tyfoon.
Anubus was spared, but his family, and many of his friends and family had been killed by Tyfoon. Ever since that day Anubus's
life became devoted to killing Tyfoon. They had become Rivals. Despite his young age, he had gotten as much fighting experience
and power as Tyfoon himself. He gained this power and experience on his journey to seek out Tyfoon and kill him. When Anubus
was 15 he met up with Tyfoon for the first time. Tyfoon was already at the age of 32, but Anubus was just as strong as he.
A enourmus battle ensued and it ended in a draw because Tyfoon retreated. Unlike Tyfoon, who would retreat if it ment saving
his life, Anubus would fight to the death. The next time they met, when Anubus was 17, Tyfoon accidentally killed Anubus's
g...irlfriend, Amarel, in the heat of battle. Anubus was overtaken by rage and killed Tyfoon's wife, Ruby, as revenge. The
two have not met up since then. Anubus is not a bad person, and certainly not evil. He is a very calm person most of the time.
But when he meets or thinks of Tyfoon, that can change.
Style of attack: Anubus attacks brutally. Once he gets you
down, he won't stop the onslaught. He will continue to deliver punches and kicks whether his body needs to stop. He pushes
all pain out of his mind, so pain never slows him down. However when his body has had enough, it will say so by making him
collapse, but Anubus usually doesn't push himself that hard. He likes to use his spear, in fact, the only time he won't use
it in battle is when it has been knocked away by his foe.
Power-ups: Dark Energy. Dark energy surrounds his body.
He can use it as a shield, to power up his physical strength, or use it to form energy blasts.
Pros and Cons: He is
very fast, and pretty strong physically, but not nearly as strong as Tyfoon. His mental strength is fanomanal, however. He
can lift virtually anything with his mind and not be distracted in battle, even if he is in a hand-to-hand brawl at that moment.
He also has strong chi blasts and can fire them often.
Weapons: His Spear
Attacks: Chi Blasts Shield (Dark
Energy) Flying (by lifting himself up with his mental strength)
Special Attacks: attacks that require Dark Energy
From Above: Anubus uses his Dark Energy to summon a powerful Dragon that forms a massive energy blast and blasts the whole
arena (Anubus is unaffected by it) Energy absorbtion: Anubus uses his Dark Energy to make a sword. He then Stabs the Foe
with the sword and drains some of the foe's energy.
attacks that don't require DE
Dragon of Fin: Anubus summons
a giant Dark Dragon that mauls the opponent for a few seconds. This dragon is unneffected by any attacks.