Wiz's Domain


Chronicles of the Warriors
Misc. Junk
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About Me

Name: Tinger

Age: 27

Height: 5' 11

Weight: 170

Sex: Male


Description: Usually doesn't wear a shirt. Just pants and shoes. Has long black hair with white streaks through it, extending to his shoulders.

History: Tinger was born into a harsh life. At birth, a ceremony was held for all babies to see if there would be worthy to be the gaurdian of there planet. Tinger was chosen. He was vigorously trained and taught to be a perfevt warrior so that he could better serve his planet. He was taught about the instincts and behaviors of people all throughout his life, so he would never be surprised in battle. Tinger was faced with many battles from people and clans of people from other planets who wanted to take over his planet or otherwise just cause trouble. He never lost, and his near death experiances only made him stronger. By the time he was 18 he had already been involved in countless battles, many of them solo.

When he was 18 his training was finished.

Tinger met Tyfoon when he was 25. The two became freinds and frequently traveled together.

Tinger was involved in many battles with his t...ravels with Tyfoon. He gained much experiance and power throughout them.

Tinger is a very calm person and won't challenge a person to a battle, but he will never decline if challenged.

Style of fighting: Tinger loves to fight, and he will never retreat or give up in a battle. He doesn't prefer to make the first move because that is usually what the opponent wants. He never underestimates his opponent. And once Tinger gets an opponent down, he begins an anslaught like no other and doesn't let them get up for awile.

Showers: Tinger emitts a slew of 15 or so chi balls.
Shield: A shield a foot wide covers Tinger's right arm from his fingertips to his elbow.
Chi blast

Special Attacks:
Guardian Aurora: Tinger calls upon the power of the sun to heal his wounds and power him up. He glows gold during this attack.
Gaurdian's Protection: A shield surrounds Tinger for a short while. The shield is impenetrable to any attack.
Ground Shaker: Tinger hits the ground with all his might and the ground breaks and an earthquake starts.

